All GSSJC girl members may apply for financial assistance to attend summer overnight and day camp. Applicants are required to pay the $50 deposit when applying for a campership unless applying for a full campership. Camperships cover the cost of the camp session only and do not include camp packs.
Camperships are need-based awards limited to one overnight camp session or two-day camp sessions per girl, per summer. A 2024-2025 GSUSA membership and participation in one or both product programs for the current membership year is required.
Requests for camperships are due by April 15. Requests received after that date will be reviewed only if funds are available. A committee of volunteers will review your completed application, and you will receive a notification from the committee with the approval amount or non-approval via letter. Data may be used for grant reporting with any personal information omitted.
Awards are based on multiple criteria and may not be awarded right away. Processing campership requests can take several weeks.
How to apply for campership:
1. Register for overnight camp or day camp.
- Online registrants must pay the $50 deposit.
- Campers requesting a full campership must complete their full Sumer Camp 2025 registration with a completed campership application during the time of registration.
2. Complete the campership application while in the application process. All information must be completed. The parent/guardian must sign the form before applications are reviewed.