Volunteer Hub

This page is designed to support busy, on-the-go troop volunteers. Inside you will find details and information to help you get started on your newest adventure—being an awesome leader for girls. We recommend that you begin by browsing the sections below and come back throughout the year to find answers to your questions as they arise. Ready to get started? Read the Volunteer Terms and Conditions. Let’s go!
The new GSSJC Volunteer Hub App is here! Learn more about where to find this new tool and how it can simplify your volunteer experience
LEARN MORE¿Buscas tomar la revisión de lo aprendido en español? ¡Hazlo aquí!
APRENDE MÁSGet the latest information, resources and interact with other GSSJC members here.
EXPLOREGSSJC provides adult training courses conducted by skilled and enthusiastic volunteer facilitators throughout the year. Volunteers are encouraged to take advantage of as many courses as they can to provide the best growth experiences possible for girls.
Use our Adult Training Record to keep track of your completed trainings.
Girl Scouts is a beloved, iconic brand. Few brands are strong enough to be identified simply by a color or a shape, but we have both the unique shade of "Girl Scout green" and the singular Girl Scout Trefoil symbol working for us. These much-admired brand elements ensure that any of our branded items can be readily recognized as belonging to Girl Scouts. With everything we create, we aim to stay true to our brand and the values it represents--leadership, sisterhood, and inclusion.
All Girl Scout products, and the images and phrases featured on these products, serve to enhance Girl Scouts' brand voice and mission. These products and their identifying marks continue to speak to the general public long after an event or project has ended. We need to be clear and consistent about the messages our products and designs convey to Girl Scouts, potential Girl Scouts, and non-Girl Scouts.
Everyone in Girl Scouting--including our partners--has a role in protecting the Girl Scout name and marks against unauthorized, inconsistent, and unlicensed use. Careful presentation of our products and our messages safeguards and strengthens the overall brand. The importance of such vigilance cannot be overstated.