Ready to explore the world of travel? Girl Scouts will take you places far and wide, while providing you with unforgettable experiences and life-changing adventures!
Girls gain enormous benefits through traveling. They develop confidence, courage, and character as they plan, earn money, and venture to other parts of the United States or countries. They make lifelong friends— not only with the girls they travel with but also new girls they meet through their travels.
They also gain cultural insight, an appreciation for differences and similarities, and a broadened perspective. As girls grow in Girl Scouts, they discover that travel is one of the most exciting aspects Girl Scouting.
The following is required for all trips:
Short Troop/Group Trips (any trip of one to three nights within a six-hour drive from home)
Extended Troop/ Group Trips (any trip of four nights or more, and/or any trip more than a six-hour drive from home)
Three forms need to be submitted. Each should be approved before the next one is submitted.
GSSJC Council Trips happen at three different levels: Regional (Texas and any state bordering it), National, and International. Regional trips are available to Juniors and up. National and International trips are available to Cadettes and up (some restrictions may apply). Trips led by GSSJC are a great way for girls to meet other girls in their council! Girls can travel by themselves, with a friend, with a parent, or with their troop. Council Trips give Individually Registered Girls the opportunity to travel with fellow Girl Scouts too! Adult trip leaders will be there to help along the way, but the journey is all yours—from the sights you'll see to the food you'll eat!
Interested in traveling with us? Join the fun as we explore:
2025 - New Orleans, Louisiana (fourth grade and up)
2025 - Savannah, Georgia (sixth grade and up)
2025 - Nuestra Cabaña World Center, Cuernavaca, Mexico (age 13 and older)
2026 - Culinary Tour through France (seventh
grade and up)
Girl Scout Destinations are the ultimate adventure for individual Cadette, Senior, and Ambassador Girl Scouts! Make friends from all over the country as you travel with Girl Scouts from different states. There’s a unique, life-changing experience for every girl.
A Destination is your chance to go somewhere new, do something different, and meet people from anywhere you can imagine! A Destination is any experience, regardless of distance or length of time. It provides girls ages 11-18 with an opportunity to expand her personal experience beyond her everyday scope.
For more information visit
For more information or to ask questions about the programs, contact