It all starts here. Juniors team up with fellow Girl Scouts to explore their community, discover a need or issue they care about, and work together to address it. It’s a chance to create a plan and make an impact on the community they live in.
Are in fourth or fifth grade
Are a registered Girl Scout Junior
Have completed a Junior Journey, including the Take Action Project
Build your Girl Scout Junior team.
Explore your community.
Decide on a project to work on.
Make a plan of action.
Spread the word
Girl Scouts must complete their Bronze Award projects and submit their Bronze Award Reporting Form no later than September 30 of the year they graduate fitfth grade (i.e. the fall of their sixth grade year). (Pre-approval is not required for Bronze Award.)
Note: Find all the most up-to-date Bronze Award and Take Action information—including tips and tricks, what to expect, upcoming trainings, how to celebrate, and more—at GSSJC’s Highest Awards Online Community.